Las Cruces Air Conditioning Services | HVAC Company

Air Control Services is a locally-owned HVAC company offering air conditioner installation, air conditioning repair, and AC maintenance in Las Cruces, New Mexico. As a leading air conditioning contractor, our company is committed to providing reliable AC services.

What sets us apart:

  • 35 years of experience in the HVAC industry, providing reliable service.
  • Prompt response to all service requests, ensuring timely solutions.
  • Customer satisfaction is our priority in every project, guaranteeing your happiness.
  • Honest pricing and transparent communication throughout the service, so you always know what to expect.
  • Quality workmanship guarantees long-lasting and reliable HVAC systems, ensuring peace of mind.
  • A satisfaction guarantee on all our services because we stand behind our work.

For professional air conditioning services you can trust, call (575) 636-2754 for a free quote. Let us prove we are the go-to HVAC company in Las Cruces for all your cooling needs.

Las Cruces AC Repair Services

Get reliable air conditioning repair services from Air Control Services. Our local HVAC contractor specializes in efficient air conditioner repair, ensuring your home is comfortable. Don’t let a malfunctioning AC disrupt your comfort—trust our Las Cruces HVAC contractors to diagnose and fix any issues promptly.

Signs it’s time for AC repair services include strange noises, insufficient cooling, frequent cycling, high energy bills, water leaks, and bad odors. Ignoring these signs could lead to more significant problems and costly repairs down the line. With Air Control Services, you can enjoy reliable cooling all year round.

Our air conditioning repair services efficiently address any AC issues, restoring your AC’s performance. As a trusted air conditioning company in Las Cruces, we prioritize quality workmanship and customer satisfaction. With our professional approach and attention to detail, you can trust us to deliver exceptional results every time.

Don’t let AC problems disrupt your comfort—contact Air Control Services for reliable AC repair services today. Our experienced Las Cruces HVAC contractors are ready to restore your AC to optimal performance, keeping your home cool and comfortable no matter the weather.

Call (575) 636-2754 for a free quote.

Air Conditioner Installation Service

A good air conditioner installation service keeps your home cool during hot months. Air Control Services is one of the leading HVAC companies, offering air conditioning installation. We have 35 years of experience and focus on installing your air conditioning system efficiently.

Finding the right contractor is key. Our team includes skilled contractors who focus on customer satisfaction. We analyze your specific needs to suggest the best air conditioning solution for you.

Our air conditioner installation service includes installing the new system and making sure it works right. We pay attention to details and aim to make our customers happy. Whether you need a new air conditioner or want a replacement Air Control is here for you.

We are a company that cares about making your space comfortable. Our team is up to date with the newest air conditioning technology, ensuring your installation saves energy. 

Air Conditioning Maintenance in Las Cruces

Having a reliable air conditioning system in Las Cruces eases the heat during the hot months. Regular HVAC maintenance ensures your system runs smoothly all year round. Our company specializes in air conditioning maintenance and offers comprehensive services to keep your system in top condition.

We understand the importance of keeping your air conditioning system running without interruption. That’s why we make maintenance plans tailored to the specific needs of your system. Our plans are designed to prevent breakdowns and extend the life of your air conditioner, saving you money in the long run.

As one of the trusted HVAC companies in Las Cruces, our team is skilled in all aspects of HVAC maintenance. We focus on thorough inspections, cleaning, and timely replacement of parts to prevent future issues. Our company is committed to providing you with reliable maintenance services that ensure your air conditioner works when you need it the most.

Our team uses the latest techniques to diagnose and fix your AC issues quickly. With our maintenance services, you can rest assured your air conditioning system is in good hands.

Call (575) 636-2754 for a free quote.

Ductless Mini-Split Install & Repair

Ductless mini-split systems are a versatile and energy-efficient solution for cooling and heating your home without the need for extensive ductwork. At Air Control Services, we specialize in both the installation and repair of ductless mini-split systems in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our experienced technicians can help you determine the best placement for optimal comfort and efficiency.

Our installation process includes a thorough assessment of your space to ensure the mini-split system meets your specific cooling needs. We focus on strategic placement for maximum efficiency and minimal intrusion.

If your ductless mini-split system is not performing efficiently, making strange noises, or not cooling your space adequately, our skilled technicians are ready to diagnose and resolve the issue promptly. We offer comprehensive repair services to ensure your system operates smoothly and efficiently.

With our expertise in ductless, you can expect high-quality ductless mini split services that enhance your home’s comfort and energy efficiency.

Call us at (575) 636-2754 for a consultation and free quote.

Ductless Mini-Split Install & Repair

Duct Repair and Install

Proper ductwork is crucial for the efficiency and effectiveness of your HVAC system. At Air Control Services, we provide professional duct installation and repair services including air duct replacement services to ensure your air conditioning system delivers optimal performance and air quality.

Our duct installation services are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing HVAC system. We use high-quality materials and precise techniques to ensure durable and efficient ductwork that improves airflow and system efficiency.

Leaky or damaged ducts can lead to significant energy loss and reduced system performance. Our experienced technicians are skilled in identifying and repairing any issues with your ductwork, from sealing leaks to replacing sections that are damaged or worn out.

Whether you are installing new ducts or need repairs on your existing system, Air Control Services guarantees professional and reliable service. 

Call (575) 636-2754 to schedule an appointment and get a free quote.

Reliable, Experienced, Customer-Centric Service

Your Trusted HVAC Experts

With 35 years of experience, we prioritize customer satisfaction, honesty, and quality workmanship. Choose us for peace of mind.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority in every project.

Honest pricing and transparent communication throughout the service.

Quality workmanship guarantees long-lasting and reliable HVAC systems.

Experienced technicians ensure precise and efficient HVAC installations.

Whether you need AC installation, repair, or maintenance, their skilled team ensures efficient and effective solutions to keep your home cool and comfortable. Moreover, they offer specialized services such as ductless mini-split installations and duct repairs, enhancing both the comfort and efficiency of your living space. Trust Air Control Services for your air conditioning needs and contact them at (575) 636-2754 for a free quote. 


Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Jason L.

My furnace broke during a freezing week. The repair team was at my door within hours, had it fixed in no time. Couldn't appreciate their fast, efficient service more!

Mary X.

My HVAC needed maintenance and I was unsure whom to trust. Your team proved to be reliable, surpassing my initial expectations. Professional service, attentive care, and now - a comfortably maintained HVAC. Truly commendable!

Frank U.

When my AC unit broke in the height of summer, Air Control Services was a lifesaver. Quick, professional, and friendly, they had us back to cool in no time. Couldn't recommend them more!

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Brands We Work With


There are several options for cooling your home, including central air conditioning systems, ductless mini-split systems, window units, and portable air conditioners. The best option depends on the size of your space, your budget, and whether you have existing ductwork. Our contractor can assess your needs and recommend the most efficient and cost-effective cooling solution for your home.

The frequency of AC repairs depends on the age of your system, how often it’s used, and how well it’s maintained. Regular HVAC maintenance can prevent many common problems, but if your system is older or showing signs of wear, you may need repairs more frequently. We recommend annual check-ups to keep your system running smoothly and to address any issues before they become major problems.

Choosing the right air conditioning company involves checking their credentials, experience, and customer reviews. Look for a company that is licensed, insured, and offers a strong warranty on their services. In addition, choose a company that provides transparent pricing and a detailed estimate before any work begins. We pride ourselves on meeting these criteria and exceeding customer expectations.

HVAC maintenance includes inspecting and cleaning the air conditioning unit, checking the refrigerant levels, testing the thermostat, inspecting electrical connections, and cleaning or replacing the air filter. Regular maintenance helps improve efficiency, extends the life of your unit, and can prevent costly repairs down the line. Our maintenance plans are designed to cover all these aspects thoroughly.

It might be time for AC replacement if your unit is over 10 years old, requires frequent repairs, or isn’t cooling your home effectively. Other signs include rising energy bills and uneven temperatures throughout your home. Replacing an old, inefficient unit with a new, energy-efficient model can save you money in the long run on both repairs and utility bills. Our contractors can help you decide if replacement is the best option and recommend a suitable new unit.

Top-rated Air Conditioning Contractor in Las Cruces

Recognized for excellence in HVAC services and customer satisfaction.

Did you know?

Did you know that Las Cruces, New Mexico has a desert climate with hot summers and cool winters, making proper HVAC maintenance essential for year-round comfort and efficiency?